In the course of updating my site theme, my old blog posts aren’t coming in very nicely. Please ignore outdated content, crappy image quality, broken links, etc while I gradually clean up this [...]
During a recent redesign project, I was exploring the candy store that is Font Bureau. As I was bookmarking my favorites such as Benton Sans and Quiosco, I began to notice that many of my [...]
For ages, I’ve been taunted by, one of my favorite websites and magazines, with their occasional projects, challenging readers to put their brains and creativity to work to make something [...]
For the second year in a row, I’ve earned recognition from Trade, Association and Business Publications International (TABPI) for my design work in HousingWire magazine. Following last year’s [...]
It seems that the SPD and I were on the same page this week (pun shamelessly intended). They chose the new issue of Whole Living (formerly Body+Soul) as their “cover of the day” on Monday. I got [...]